Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Love One Another

"Little children, let us love, not in word or speech, but in truth and action." 1Jn 3:4

I have said time and time again how amazed we are by all the prayers and support we have recieved. It blows me away. It brings a strength in our lives that makes me cry humbly before the Lord. People we don't even know have shown us the love of Christ in one of our darkest times. I am a full believer that God shows himself through the actions of those who love him. God has used people to comfort and bring hope in this time. I say this because something was given to us last night that goes beyond my words and will mean more to us than those that put it together will ever know. By our precious church family we were given a box to hold the precious things of Shai. It was beautiful. Inside was the most beautifully made baby blanket and a scrapbook filled with letters from people who have shown abundant love to our family and to our precious son, Shai. They gave us something precious, they rejoiced in Shai's life. They made it clear that he is important, unique, and most importantly a creation by God. I think I write this time and time again but my hope is that Shai's life would be acknowledged and rejoiced no matter how short that life is. They have done this in a mighty way. Thank you!

To all of you who have stood with us, prayed for us, reminded us of scripture, sent cards and just sat with us. You have not just loved us with meaningless words. You have loved us with truth and action. You are living out the gospel for us. We have seen the greatness of God because of your love. He has shown us Himself through your actions. We are reminded of who He is because of the truth you impart. We can never thank you enough.  Thank you for pointing us always to the cross and God's promises. There is nothing that brings us greater strength!

Here are a few of those items from the box!

 Thank you Father for answering a prayer and giving us the strength to stand in this time. Thank you for friends and the comfort they bring.

1 comment:

  1. Kristin, as always, you touched my heart again with these words of your precious Shai, and these things you will have to keep as memories of him. I will keep you and Pete in my daily prayers. May God keep you in His hands. I love you sweetheart. God Bless.
